
Hello follower(s). Victor here, filling in for Sean once again while he soaks up the rays in raro, and while the cat’s (Sean) away the mice (me) will play… I will be presenting examples of what Sean would look like if he were other more … Continue readingSeanocop!

New Styles

Thought I’d try a different approach to drawing my character today. We’ll call it practice for when HighScoreKid turns 1.


I’m nearing the end of my years worth of drawings and trying to decide what to do with the blog once it arrives. Whatever it ends up being it will most likely be changing to something like a bi-weekly update. But my intention is to … Continue readingYarr!


And mother nature will be like slooooow dooooown and you’ll say, “Fuck You!” and kick her in the face with your SYNERGY LEGS! Obscure joke is obscure.