In The Valley

It’s been slow going on the artistic front for woah, okay about a year now. Figured I should do a quick round-up anyway, so to start things off, here’s the latest update on my Morrigan brain-rot. She’s really been taking the hits lately, every single … Continue readingIn The Valley

The Nomad Earth – Map progress

I’ve been working on a new campaign setting and playing around with some cartography for the various floating islands that make it up. Hi-resolution versions of all these maps are up on my Patreon.  

The Castle Mac Crew

As my good friends over at bring their season of Curse of Strahd to a close, I spent some time commemorating their Barovian exploits in this character collage. Go check these guys out! One campaign may be ending, but there’s plenty of others still … Continue readingThe Castle Mac Crew