A Deeper Delve
The contraption let out a sputtering puff of smoke before settling into a low rumble that sounded, at least to Belle’s ears, like it was stable. It was hard to tell with this old-world tech, so loud and flashy, and having a gnome do the … Continue readingA Deeper Delve
February Update – Cartoonier
I’ve been pretty remiss lately when it comes to updating the site. I’ve been drawing a LOT, I’ve just been posting mostly to twitter. So I thought I’d start doing recap/update posts as a means of collecting my work into a central place again. Sliver … Continue readingFebruary Update – Cartoonier
The Nomad Earth – Story Bible
What follows is considered common knowledge among the various peoples of the Nomad Earth. Scattered throughout the exposition are house-rules that detail how this setting aligns with the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons rules. The Exodus and The Divine Council In the days before the … Continue readingThe Nomad Earth – Story Bible
Hanging on the edge of the world
Darting down the rough steps of the narrow switchback trail didn’t phase little Tomas, despite the threat of a sheer drop into the waters below. His bare feet were tough enough to ignore the pointed tops of loose rocks but soft enough to grip the … Continue readingHanging on the edge of the world
Brand – Mage-hunter
Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to be jumping on my first live D&D stream with my awesome friends over at . Keep an eye on my twitter feed @HighScoreKid for when the session starts (should be around 5pm PST). I needed a copyright free piece of … Continue readingBrand – Mage-hunter
The Nomad Earth – Map progress
I’ve been working on a new campaign setting and playing around with some cartography for the various floating islands that make it up. Hi-resolution versions of all these maps are up on my Patreon.
The Castle Mac Crew
As my good friends over at bring their season of Curse of Strahd to a close, I spent some time commemorating their Barovian exploits in this character collage. Go check these guys out! One campaign may be ending, but there’s plenty of others still … Continue readingThe Castle Mac Crew
The Divided Kingdoms of Rence
I’ve been slowly working on this map for the last few months and I think it’s finally in a state where I’m okay sharing it. I plan to use this for a homebrew D&D game and will be adding town names and other labels … Continue readingThe Divided Kingdoms of Rence
Rence – A Low-magic Setting
I’ve started work on a new campaign setting, based on the idea of creating a low-magic and human-centric adventure. From the very start, I also wanted to explore the idea of two opposing sides that have clearly justifiable reasons for entering into a civil war. … Continue readingRence – A Low-magic Setting
Thamseon – In Progress
Making some progress on the main city map for the upcoming webseries:
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