Jan-Feb update – I may have neglected this site
A good chunk of my maps at the start of this year sprang forth because I started running an official D&D module on Roll20 and realised that a lot of the adventure’s locations didn’t have associated maps! My group of players likes to get tactical, … Continue readingJan-Feb update – I may have neglected this site
End of Year Update
Usual deal here, a map per week for the Patrons. Most of these are scenes and encounters from my various D&D games. I also drew a bunch of monk (and other unarmed) characters.
October UPDATE – Mostly Maps
This month’s offering of maps saw me finishing off the forgotten city set with one final map for the ruined castle. After that I drew a couple of airships, one in preparation for the Nomad Earth podcast and the other because, in one of the … Continue readingOctober UPDATE – Mostly Maps
September update – characters new and old
I finally got around to illustrating my longest running character this month. Luck-of-the-Draw is a Tabaxi Hex-Sword-Bard (1/12) that I was really loathe to attempt drawing because I wasn’t sure if I could do justice to his lionfolk nature. So, I collected a bunch of … Continue readingSeptember update – characters new and old
August Update – New outfits
As always, there were a bunch of commissions that I can’t post here. However, it has still been a busy month. I posted a series of encounter maps to my Patreon for all my dungeoneer patrons. I also ran a short giveaway at the start … Continue readingAugust Update – New outfits
July Update – Introducing Aura
There’s a bunch of illustrations from this month that I can’t post, but rest assured I worked on about 7 different commissioned pieces. Aside from that, I decided to start development on a D&D character, with the intention of creating someone I could draw more … Continue readingJuly Update – Introducing Aura
June Update – Project Preparations
At the start of this month I closed out a Twitter giveaway and illustrated two character busts for the lucky winners. My mapping efforts continued, and I realised that there was a drought of snow themed work in my set that needed fixing. I’ve been … Continue readingJune Update – Project Preparations
May Update – Back in the groove
There wasn’t a massive amount of work going on in May, but I chalk it up to the fact that my computer was being couriered across the pacific ocean! That’s right, May was busy in another way, as I moved back from Canada to New … Continue readingMay Update – Back in the groove
April Update – Map mania
Oh boy, was I busy in April. This last month I got into a bit of a routine of working on more simple illustrations and pumped out A LOT of stuff!Case in point, I started on a series of NPC illustrations for the Nomad Earth … Continue readingApril Update – Map mania
March Update – The Commissions come rolling in
I had a surprising amount of commission work this month. The first of which was this massive piece depicting my Friday night Eberron D&D crew. I’m almost at the point where between this and my freelance design work, I can actually live off that income … Continue readingMarch Update – The Commissions come rolling in