As the title says, it’s been a hell of a minute since I last posted. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been creating anything though, so get ready for the flood.
First up, we have the campaign map that I drew for an Age of Sigmar campaign. As we began playing, I ended up needing to add a bunch of symbols and icons as the players started scheming and getting into drawn out battles.

And yes, of course, I’ve continued to draw best-girl Morrigan. I just find it really fun to explore what kind of character she might become, especially as events transpire in game and my ideas evolve. She’s collected a fair few scars since I last posted the tatt/scar chart too.

I was also commissioned back in May to create a cover illustration for a friend’s D&D product. You can find Ezmerelda’s Dossier of Dread on the Dungeon Masters Guild! If you look closely, you can see several of my characters appear on the papers on the floor.

As usual, there are a bunch of other characters I’ve worked on. Either commissions or personal explorations.